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The Power of a Real Receptionist

Phone calls can be as disturbing to workflow as they are vital for sales, so as annoying as they can be, no call should go unanswered. The problem is that tending to constant calls will result in your team not focusing on completing current projects, it slows things down.

“While many big companies enjoy the use of voice recordings to assist callers, it doesn’t really offer that personal touch and often annoys the caller who may be seeking a quick answer instead of listening to a slurry of options,” says Chenara Coetzee, General Manager at Real Receptionist, “Unfortunately, not everyone can afford an on-site call centre or permanent receptionist to tend to all incoming business calls.”

Real Receptionist offers flexible call answering, transferring and message recording services, with professionally trained operators that can be instructed to assist with calls as and when you need it. This means that you can save money as you only pay for the timeframes when you use your assigned Real Receptionist agent.

Select and swap between the Real Receptionist options you need:

“Real Receptionist offers three setups when it comes to call answering, and members can easily chop and change between them as their needs change,” says Coetzee. You can set your agent to answer…


Have all your calls answered, every weekday from 8am to 5pm. This option is perfect if you experience high incoming call volumes daily.


Any calls you cannot answer will be forwarded and answered by a Real Receptionist agent. This option is ideal for companies that already have an in-house receptionist that struggles to keep up with call volumes. Selecting the Overflow option will ensure calls are forwarded to your Real Receptionist agent whenever you in-house receptionist is busy with another call.


You can set a schedule for exactly when all your inbound calls should be routed to your assigned Real Receptionist agent. This is great for when your in-house receptionist goes on lunch break, or if your lean team is super busy and unable to tend to the phones.

You can easily switch and swap between these options, whether to fit your workflow or you budget, all while knowing that you’re not risking the loss of sales while all your callers get the best customer care.
If the phone is ringing off the hook and your team needs a polite voice to greet and assist callers, then try Real Receptionist for a month or two. Real Receptionist offers flexible subscriptions, meaning you won’t be contracted in for numerous months, you can pause and restart at your leisure. Want to know more or get a custom quote for your business? Visit the Real Receptionist website to get in touch.


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